Wednesday, August 1, 2007



Wrinkles on the face. The skin tells what is inside. If you have healthful, youthful, skin, it is a good sign of a healthy body inside.


The skin loses its elasticity and suppleness. It becomes thinner and dryer. With age, wrinkles are inevitable. But there are ways to avoid getting them earlier than necessary.


• Stay out of the sun. Avoid tanning booths; they produce the same wrinkling as the sun. Wear a hat when out in the sunlight.

• Eat carefully of good food. Exercise, drink enough fluids, and get adequate sleep. Pressing your face against a pillow adds more wrinkles. Do not scrunch up your face when you talk; that makes new wrinkle patterns.

• Avoid alcohol and nicotine. Tobacco dramatically ages the skin! Smoking makes a 25-year-old woman look like a 35-year-old! Smoking also decreases blood supply to the face and skin.

• Dampen the skin and then apply a little vegetable oil, to lubricate it. That will help put water and oil into your skin cells.

• Massage your face as the Orientals do. That tends to exercise the skin and facial muscles and strengthen them.

Now, don't laugh, and I will give you more suggestions:

• To soften and nourish your skin, mash half an avocado and put it on your face. Leave it there until it dries, and then wipe it off with water. Avocado has essential oils.

• To reduce puffiness under your eyes, place cool slices of cucumber over them for 10 minutes.

• To tighten and refine skin pores, whip an egg white and apply it to your face. After 15-20 minutes (if you can still breathe), rinse it off with water.

• To remove dead surface skin cells and improve skin texture, Japanese women gently rub a small handful of dry short-grain rice against their faces.

• To cleanse the pores, rub mashed tomato over your face.

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