Friday, July 20, 2007
Teenagers Smoking
Most people who smoke daily start when they are aged between 11 and 14. It can be pretty upsetting for you but the good news is that the number of 18 to 25 year olds who smoke is dropping.
Teenagers sometimes smoke because they want to rebel. Peer pressure and watching their parents may also influence them. It can be hard to convince them of the serious health risks they are taking.
Encourage your teenagers to try to quit smoking. You can remind them of the many down sides:
:: Shortness of breath
:: Yellow teeth
:: Bad breath
:: Damage to the growth of a baby and increases in the risk of stillbirth and infant death
:: Expense.
Nicotine addiction is difficult to break for most people. Smokers have cravings, can be tense, irritable, restless and lose sleep. The best way to stop smoking is to JUST STOP. But beware - withdrawal symptoms can be tough and your teenager may require support.
Help them think of something else to do
Help them to be aware of what they put in their mouths
Find support for the withdrawal time - it will probably take about a month
Acknowledge what they are doing and give encouragement
Talk to your doctor and chemist about nicotine substitutes
Praise their progress, however small.
If they are stopping slowly:
:: Set a plan with times when they will reduce the number of cigarettes they are smoking
:: Ration cigarettes to a set number per day
:: Help them make rules for smoking which make it difficult (only outside, only after dinner) help them find people to talk to.
The Poison Lurking in Your Plastic Water Bottle
A Potentially deadly toxin is being absorbed into bottled mineral water from their plastic containers. And the longer the water is stored, the levels of poison increase, research reveals. As the sell-by date on many bottled waters is up to two years, scientists have now called for extensive further studies.
The research by world expert Dr William Shotyk - who has vowed never to drink bottled water again - will be published in the Royal Society of Chemistry's journal next month. It is sure to revive concerns about the safety of bottled water, the world's fastest-growing drinks industry, worth £1.2billion a year.
The tests found traces of antimony, a chemical used in the making of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, used by most mineral-water sellers.
Small doses of antimony can make you feel ill and depressed. Larger quantities can cause violent vomiting and even death. The study stressed that amounts of antimony were well below official recommended levels. But it also discovered that the levels almost doubled when the bottles were stored for three months.
Professor Shotyk, of Heidelberg University in Germany, said: "I don't want to shock people but here's what I know: Antimony is being continuously released into bottled drinking water. The water in PET bottles is contaminated."
He tested ground water and 15 types of bottled mineral water in his native Canada. The ground water contained two parts per trillion (ppt) of antimony. Bottled water had an average 160 ppt of antimony when opened immediately after bottling. But ground water stored in a PET plastic bottle had 630 ppt of antimony when opened six months later.
Professor Shotyk then tried the experiment in Europe, collecting 48 brands of water in PET bottles and water from its source in the ground at a German bottling plant. The water had four ppt of antimony before being bottled, the contents of a new bottle had 360 ppt and one opened three months later had a staggering 700 ppt.
Antimony finds its way into water by 'leaching' from the plastic in the same way that water absorbs flavour from a teabag. Health authorities said even the higher levels of antimony found are way below official safety guidelines, set at around six parts per billion by international environment agencies.
Elizabeth Griswold, director of the Canadian Bottled Water Association, added:
"The levels do not pose a risk to humans. They are simply trace elements."
But David Coggan, a Southampton University-based epidemiologist who works with the Medical Research Council, called for further research into the findings.
He said not enough was known about the effects of antimony and how much had to be consumed before it became dangerous. Last year naphthalene, which can cause liver damage in high doses, was found in two bottles of Volvic mineral water. Bacteria which could leach into bottled water has been cited as a possible reason for rising levels of food poisoning.
Cancer Update from John Hopkins

No water bottles in freezer

No plastic wrap in microwave

A dioxin chemical causes cancer, especially breast cancer
Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies.
Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic.
Recently, Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers.
This especially applies to foods that contain fat.
He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body.
Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else.
Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.
He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.
Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Cover food with a paper towel instead.
When A Drink Of Coffee Does Not Merely Contain Coffee
KUALA LUMPUR, July 18 (Bernama) -- The modern way of living demands the best of performance from us at all times.
People are expected to put in optimum effort to achieve maximum results in a whole range of environment be it at the workplace, social and sports events as well as in more intimate settings.
In our eagerness to rejuvenate our mental and physical prowess, most will resort to the consumption of various food supplements and tonic available in the market.These include the energy-enhancing drinks.
Beverages like Tongkat Ali and Kacip Fatimah are claimed to be natural energy boosters.A drink of coffee nowadays no longer involve the consumption of just a plain cup of coffee.
Instead, your cuppa now comes premixed with a variety of powdered herbs purportedly to provide the much needed energy booster to enable you to give your best performance in whatever it is that you have set your mind on.
The extra boost is usually referred to as the "internal power"; and much like martial arts disciples, gullible consumers are forever searching for and willing to pay more to obtain the elusive "inner power".
Advertisements in the print and electronic media allude that the partake of such performance enhancers can rejuvenate the "male libido" and provide an energetic performance that is guaranteed to satisfy.Stories that highlight what these energy-drinks could do abound on the websites.
This deluge of "male libido boosters" begs some pertinent questions.With hormones all pepped up and rearing to go, can the user maintain control of himself or is such hormonal avalanche a contributory factor in the rise in sexual crimes of late?
According to the Muslim Consumers Association secretary-general, Datuk Dr Maamor Osman, there are no statistics to point out that such beverages contribute to the increase in sexual offences."
Maybe it is only an assumption. Such beverages may lead to statements with sexual undertones or harassment. However it has yet to reach the point where sexual crimes like rape happens," he said.
Tongkat Ali or Eurycoma Longifolia Jack is a root that is usually linked to "male prowess". It is found in the forests and highlands in the Malay archipelago.
Due to its taste, the root is known as the "bitter remedy" . It is a well known cure for many health problems and diseases like malaria, allergies, fever and rheumatism apart from having anti-oxidants.
Studies show that the Tongkat Ali extract is able to boost the male testosterone level by four times. Testosterone is not only for stamina and energy, it is also crucial for male virility.However women too can consume the Tongkat Ali drink as its extract improves blood circulation and metabolism.
According to Dr Maamor, the effectiveness of these herbal beverages has yet to be scientifically proven .
"All this while, such claims are from producers and testimonials of consumers. The public easily accept these as being true".
He said people should be realistic over this issue, and advised them to maintain their health as there are no short cuts to having a healthy body."
If there are problems, go see the doctor and only buy medical products recommended by your doctor and approved by the Health Ministry. Also, improve your knowledge in food and beverage products," Dr Maamor, who is a medical practitioner, advises consumers.
Dr Maamor said there are cases when upon seeing that a certain product does not produce the desired effect, consumers add other ingredients and concoct their own remedy.
"This act can be detrimental to their health".
He said advertisements of such health enhancers are actually gimmicks and should be strictly monitored by the authorities.
Such advertisements use popular artistes to promote the product, a gimmick that goes well in the electronic media and is popular with viewers.
However the authorities should ensure that these advertisements portray the facts and do not go overboard by blowing their benefits out of proportions. capability.
Amelia Abd Aziz, a University Teknologi Mara (UiTM) associate professor, believes that such "power enhancers" do not drastically boost one's virility.
According to the Communications and Media Studies lecturer, she is concerned that fake cures may also join the bandwagon.
"I am concerned that there are fake herbal cures that do not have the approval of the Health Ministry. Consuming too much of these can be detrimental."
Furthermore there is not much herbal content in these drinks as herbs like the Tongkat Ali are not cheap," said Amelia.
She said the trend now is that producers of such beverages are targeting the younger generation."
The younger generation, they do not think much on sexual issues but they want to be active and full of energy."
Nowadays I do not see them retiring to their beds early at night but instead they go for futsal matches, meet their friends and they will become exhausted during the day."Therefore they seek to enhance their energy without thinking about the consequences," she said.
According to Amelia, advertisements on these products are well accepted by the Malays. The Malays like to use the word "power".
Why are the Malays susceptible to such herbal concoctions? The answer probably lies in the fact that the use of herbal medicine has been a long standing tradition in the Malay world, much like the Chinese who swear by the ginseng, said Amelia.
Furthermore the Malays, unlike other ethnic groups, like to focus on their sexual prowess. "Maybe its because the Malay man can take more than one wife is," she reasoned.
She said the sexual factor is of significance to the men as they associate it as a reflection of their manhood.
Men have been searching for a potent aphrodisiac since time immemorial, said Amelia."
When they are weak, they will be under stress and their self-confidence dips. Women are also concerned about their men's performance, hence a visit to the shops to get such power boosters will not deflate a man's ego as much as an appointment with the consultant would".
According to the Consumer Health Information Research Institute (Chiri) founder, John Renner, the human mind is the most potent aphrodisiac."
It is difficult to evaluate what was consumed by an individual but when you tell him that it was an aphrodisiac, this will invoke a sexual response," he said in the FDA website.
In terms of psychology, the mere belief that a certain product has the desired positive effect can influence the sexual potency of an individual.If a person really believes in a product, then he would feel better after consuming it.
The mind play an important role in managing the internal system of the body including the sexual organs. According to experts, the mind is the most potent sexual organ since "when we feel good, then all will be good".-- BERNAMA